The CVITP free income tax program is a volunteer run tax centre to help low-income people complete their taxes for free in a supportive environment. We are looking for generous donors to contribute to our tax program as it is consistently underfunded. For many in need, getting taxes completed is the first step to accessing the government supports that they are eligible for.
This program financially empowers our community’s most vulnerable. Once people complete their taxes, they can access benefits and rebates that they are eligible for. Benefits such as: child tax credit, GST rebates, GIS, CPP, and others can all be claimed once taxes are complete and are a huge relief for many of the people we serve. They then spend the money in the local community. This program has brought millions of federal dollars into the local economy over the years.
Doing taxes can be overwhelming for anyone, and none more than for our community’s low income and multi-barriered residents. The people we support benefit from completing their taxes, getting financial benefits that they are entitled to, and having a sense of belonging.