Many answers to questions we have received over the years have been listed here. Please read through the FAQ to see if we can help you. If you do not see what you require we suggest contacting us at support@accesscentre.org. We are here to listen and will either provide the help you need or get you in touch with the right people in our community that can help.

Please call us during business hours at 250-493-6822.

We can set you up with a meeting with our Legal Advocate. Please call our office for an appointment.

Yes, we can help with both Federal and Provincial Disability Applications. Please call ahead and make an appointment with our Disability Advocate.

Great! Please contact our office during office hours or email us at support@acccesscentre.org

We can refer you to housing services such as a Homeless Outreach Worker, Compass house Men’s Shelter, or BC Housing. We can also help you to fill out a BC housing application.

No, we don’t have a lawyer, we have Legal Advocates who can help by providing legal information and support. We can help with Dispute Resolution Hearings, Government Appeals, Human Rights Complaints, and Tenant/Landlord issues.

We can also link you to Legal Aid and contact Pro Bono Lawyers.

It depends on what kind of court form it is. We suggest that you call to book an appointment with one of our Legal Advocates.

The first step in applying for a PWD (Persons with Disability) is to register with the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction (Income Assistance) and this process must be done with one our in office Ministry workers. Give our office a call to book an appointment.

The whole process of applying for a PWD application can take a month or two depending, in part, on how long it takes to complete. It is a long form and can be confusing. We are here to help. Please call us to make an appointment with the Disability Advocate to get you going on this. We help you fill out Section 1 and 3, then we can mail it to your Doctor to fill out Section 2, and then it comes back to us where we make sure everything is complete and ready to go, we make a copy for your records, and then we can get it in the mail for you.

We encourage you to call us immediately so that the Legal Advocate can determine if it is worth asking for a Request for Reconsideration. There are about 20 business days (once you get the form), to challenge the decision.

We can provide procedural information and resources to individuals who are dealing with a family law question/dispute/matter/issue. Please call our office to book an appointment with the Legal Advocate.

Our Legal Advocates can assist you if you have a question regarding your Income Assistance or Disability Benefit. They can also assist you with your appeal when you have been denied a service and/or benefit by the Ministry.

Helping those in need

If you know someone who is in need of assistance and struggling with an issue that affects their quality of life and those they love, please call us. We can help people overcome their barriers through advocacy, referrals and outreach. We are here to help. 250-493-6822 or support@accesscentre.org

If you are feeling overwhelmed or struggling with basic needs in your life we can help you find a solution.