Connecting people with technologyBecca Tapert

Global Pandemic: Changes to How We Help

The Access Centre has been a drop in centre for many years, for our entire history really, even back when we were the Women’s Centre. Being open for people to drop in anytime during our business hours was the backbone of what we did. There…

Security Deposits: The Basics

There are often questions asked about how much a landlord is legally allowed to charge for a Damage Deposit or Pet Deposit. If you have further questions or feel you are being charged too much for your Pet or Damage Deposit, please give us a…

Eviction: The Basics

Evictions can be very frustrating and scary to navigate. If you have been evicted for any reason and feel it was a wrongful eviction, do not hesitate to give our office a call and talk to one of our expert legal advocates. 250-493-6822…

Annual Allowable Rent Increase for 2022

Information gathered from: Rent Increases - Province of British Columbia ( "Annual allowable rent increase for 2022 will be 1.5% Residential Tenancies: The 2022 maximum increase will be 1.5% Manufactured Home Parks: For…

What disability program is right for you?

By Alexandria Johnstone and Keisha McLean, Community Advocates: Disability, Resource & Referral

Prevention is the Best Cure for Homelessness

Many times, a client comes in to the Access Centre angry or frightened because of a dispute with a landlord or perhaps they’ve received an eviction notice. Our legal advocates will often try to negotiate a deal with the landlord if possible…

It’s Tax Time Again!

  It's that time of year again! This year we will be doing the Tax Clinic Monday through Thursday afternoons from 1pm - 4pm (last person in at 3:45pm) at the Access Centre (2nd floor - 304 Martin Street). No need to book an appointment,…

How to Prepare for Raising a Child with a Disability

Access Centre is dedicated to serving disadvantaged individuals in the South Okanagan by offering help and access to various government and community services.   If you’re expecting a child with a disability, you may be unsure about…

Fixed Term Tenancies

We have been receiving a lot of phone calls with questions about fixed term tenancies, here is some information about your rights and responsibilities. A fixed term tenancy means a tenancy agreement that specifies a date for which the tenancy…

Thoughts on Penticton’s Housing Crisis

A letter to the editor from our Poverty Law Advocate, Christie Fiebelkorn: "In my line of work, we receive countless phone calls from distressed individuals affected by the housing crisis. The calls we receive range…