Thanks to Disability Alliance Blog for this information:
The BC Budget for the 2023/2024 fiscal year was announced at the legislative assembly in Victoria on February 28, 2023. The Budget revealed that there would be an increase to the shelter rate for people on income assistance and disability assistance; an increase that has been long overdue. The shelter rate, which hasn’t changed since 2007, will increase from $375 per month to $500 per month for single individuals. Rent prices have increased by much more than $125 since 2007, so while we recognize that this shelter rate increase is a step in the right direction, it fails to meaningfully address systemic poverty in our province.
There are also increases to most income and disability assistance supplements, including diet supplements (increased by 50%) and the monthly nutritional supplement (increased from $165 to $180 per month). These changes take effect as of August 1st, 2023 (and will appear starting with the July 19th 2023 cheque issue).
The provincial government recently released a rate table, detailing current rates as well as the new rates. You can view this rate table here.
DABC has updated 8 of our Help Sheets to reflect the new changes to income and disability assistance shelter rates and supplements.
The updated Help Sheets are as follows:
Checklist for the Persons with Disabilities (PWD) Benefit
Monthly Nutritional Supplement (MNS)
The Persons with Persistent Multiple Barriers (PPMB) Benefit
Health Supplements for People with Disabilities
People with Disabilities on Reserve: The PWD Designation
Income Assistance Application Process for People with Disabilities
If you have any questions, we have a ministry worker here on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons between 1pm – 4pm if you want to come by and speak to someone about your benefits.